Your Body Is Yours to Know
A year-long cohort of healing humxns created to help build and grow a deeper understanding of our bodies and how to connect with them
Guided by Dr. Kaeri

Photography by Jen Downer of She Saw Things
A 1.5 - 1.75 hour (90-105 minutes) real-time connection and learning opportunity during each session
Intimate 6-person cohorts to invite spacious connection, communication and sharing
Gathering every other week, starting the week of February 24th
Two cohort options: Weds 6:15 PM PST or Thurs 8:30 AM PST
$20/moon cycle or $280 for the year (14 moon cycles)
"I find that the more I understand about the mechanics of my internal workings the more invested in and interested in my own health I become."
Wednesday 6:15 PM PST - Your Body Is Yours to Know
Feb 26, 2025 - Apr 30, 20262 Participants
$280.00 or $20 per moon cycle
Thursday 8:30 AM PST - Your Body Is Yours to Know
Apr 3, 2025 - May 30, 20261 Participant
$280.00 or $20 per moon cycle
Your Body Is Yours To Know is an offering created to help build and grow a deeper understanding of the community that is your body and how to connect with them. Just like a community, each of us have parts within us that are interrelated and interconnected - you can’t touch one without affecting the others. Nonetheless, different body parts have different needs. My right adrenal gland and my left adrenal gland have different needs for sure. For many people I support, their two hips and sacroiliac joints have different needs. Different stories that are being held, different support structures, different just because of what’s around them and what is held by them.
When we don’t understand something, we often develop fear. Unfortunately, most of the time, our school systems, culture, and the US medical system don’t teach us about our bodies and have created a narrative that all body communication is a sign that something is “wrong”, we are “broken,” and “need to be fixed.” This framing doesn’t honor our bodies' innate healing and wisdom or the truth that health and wellness are different for each person.
Healing is a natural act. Our bodies are always working to take care of us. Our bodies tell stories and communicate to help us move towards healing.
The Your Body Is Yours To Know series is intentionally designed to support you to learn more about your body: the parts, how it works, why it works; how to connect with your body and how to more fully listen to and understand your body experiences and messages. I fully believe — and have witnessed time and time again — that as we better understand our bodies and their communication, we gain trust, feel safer in our bodies, and more deeply support our body’s natural ability to heal. Trust and a feeling of safety are essential for full healing.
Many people (possibly some of you) learned through life experiences that it was easier or safer not to connect to their body experiences. This pattern develops as a protective tool…which was helpful for a time and may no longer serve you. As we move into safer spaces/environments, our bodies ask us to come home, to bring our awareness inward. Our bodies want to be noticed, acknowledged and appreciated. This connection and relationship take time to build. Sometimes starting this connection can feel difficult, big and/or scary. It may also feel exciting, relieving or any other emotion. Whatever you are feeling is okay. It is where you are in this moment. I spaciously honor that we are all in different places in our journey of body connection. In the Intro class we will discuss ways we connect inward and invite the process with gentleness and compassion.
Sometimes starting this connection can feel difficult, big and/or scary. It may also feel exciting, relieving or any other emotion. Whatever you are feeling is okay. It is where you are in this moment. I spaciously honor that we are all in different places in our journey of body connection. Throughout our time together we aim to connect inward with space for emotion, inviting gentleness and compassion.

Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion. - bell hooks
This series is built both as a group experience and an opportunity to practice connecting to our bodies over time. I have created it in this way for many reasons:
The skill of body connection develops and strengthens over time and with practice
Trust and relationships take time to build and develop. (Both in our internal communities and surrounding communities)
We have many members of the communities that are our bodies (body parts) and it best serves us to connect with and gain understanding of them repeatedly and over time.
Because I am just one humxn with just one body, this curriculum includes opportunities for community sharing, so we can learn from more people and more bodies.
To help reach more people while also honoring my capacity
Feeling connected with our bodies.
Knowing what you need for healing.
Feeling seen in the truth of your experience. Feeling powerful as you navigate your healing journey.
Let's do this together...
Bodies are awesome!
During each session we will follow a similar process:
Connecting to ourselves and our group
Discussing and looking at images of our amazing parts and systems
Exploring how these parts work
Practice feeling and connecting with these body parts
Sharing words that we might use to describe these body sensations
Discuss tools to support our bodies with a focus on the part and/or system we are discussing
To support our conversation and help offer a more easeful understanding of our bodies I have divided our body into 7 systems. These system names are not the ones I learned in medical school, nor are they what you’ve likely heard during your medical system experiences. These names are based on the supportive function, the way these body parts and components are moving our full selves towards healing and health.
We'll gather for 14 moon cycles (full moon to full moon), with 2 moon cycles per system. We will focus on each system for 3-4 sessions. I will be asking our cohort which body part(s) they’ll want to cover during these sessions. I’m excited to build this with your preferences and interests in mind. I may also choose to bring awareness to a body part I’m seeing communicate a lot during my in person work. In my experience, we as a species and community are often navigating similar healing paths simultaneously.
What is included in the series?
A 1.75 hour (105 minutes) real time connection and learning opportunity every other week
Access to the videos of the sessions, even if you aren’t able to attend in real time (To offer more full consent to those in attendance, please plan to attend at least two sessions of the first three sessions of the series)
An opportunity for online connection with other community members between sessions to share body experiences and learn from each other (this space will not be curated by Kaeri, it is for community and connection)
A more full and connected relationship with your body
FUN! (I love laughter…and find it important to bring that into our conversations - when appropriate)
Can I sign up for single sessions?
Not this year.
How many people can join each cohort?
To help hold space for conversation, questions, sharing of experiences and healing practices each session will be limited to 6 humxns. I share this not to create urgency, rather to honestly share that signing up earlier may help hold your space as part of this community.
Am I expected to share during sessions?
During our gathering there will be opportunities to share. Please know you can choose to participate without choosing to share. You will get to choose whether to be on screen or off. It is important to me that everyone is involved in a way that feels honoring and spacious to them.
To support your experience, please:
Attend from a space that offers you the ability to focus and to move in whatever ways best support your body.
Bring something to write on and something to write with.
Aim to join us with your curiosity and a beginner's mind.